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We help you build and grow your business through #leaninnovation


Sustainable growth through #leaninnovation

Too many promising innovations fall short because they either fail to address the right problem or struggle to find a customer base. We specialize in guiding startups and SMEs to finding a sustainable business model through our #leaninnovation approach.

Why #leaninnovation matters

Traditional innovation approaches often lead to wasted time and resources. In contrast, #leaninnovation is rooted in continuous improvement through validated learning. With our guidance, you’ll develop your product or service gradually, and with every step of the way you’ll know whether you’re on the right path to building a sustainable business.


No business plan survives first contact with customers.
— Steve Blank


Where we excel

Problem-Solution Validation

You might have an ingenious idea, but does it solve a relevant problem? Furthermore, is your value proposition aligned with your target audiences needs? We guide you in gaining a deeper understanding of the problem you aim to solve and assist you in designing a solution that meets your customers’ needs.

Business Model Development

Even if your product or service is the right solution to a relevant problem, you have to find a viable customer base willing to pay for it. Additionally, how do you plan to scale your business? We help you find product-market fit, build a winning business model and identify the essential metrics that will drive your business to the next level.

Growth and Internationalization

Sustainable growth is often dependent on success in international markets. To ensure you allocate your resources wisely, we guide you through our #leaninnovation approach to international expansion. You’ll receive invaluable market feedback early and frequently, allowing you to fine-tune your entry and growth strategies step-by-step.

If necessary, we also offer specific operational support for expansion to German-speaking countries.